Mariners kick off a holiday weekend at home
After the Mariners pulled out an exciting win last night, they look to secure at least a series split against the A’s and hard-throwing James Kaprielian.

Unfortunately there’s no news you really want to hear about, like a Kyle Lewis rehab assignment or details on the suspensions that have been appealed, so here’s some goofiness instead.
This tweet got deleted but I’m putting it here for posterity. Also if anyone has any pictures of Raleigh in the scrum, please send them my way. I hope our Big Dumper was Dumping on some Angels.

Also, in Angels Fans Are Having A Normal One News:
I have been informed that the moderator of the Angels subreddit has banned references to Tungsten Arm. I have been silenced pic.twitter.com/IIPv2xAbbw
— ℳatt (@matttomic) July 2, 2022
Game info:
Radio: 710 Seattle Sports
TV: ROOT Sports NW, fuboTV (streaming)